Communication & Language
In the EYFS at Sandbrook we aim to support all children to become skilful communicators, who connect with others through language and play. We recognise the development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development and is a life skill to ensure future success and therefore our curriculum has a strong emphasis on communication. Through conversation, storytelling and role play, children share their ideas and with support and modelling from the adults working with them, children become comfortable using a rich range of vocabulary and language structures. As Sandbrook has a rich and diverse community and many of our children speak English as an additional language, we value and celebrate home languages within our setting.
Latest News
Communication & Language
- Creating our own story using props from the original story.
- Teamwork is the way forward.
- Following a visit from 3 lambs to Nursery, we used a lamb as the character in our Tales Toolkit story.
- During Sandbrook Cares Week we invited lots of Grandparent's in for our 'Grandparent's Nursery Rhyme Event'
- This week we have been reading one of our favourite books in reception.
- We had a long and slithering visitor to RS on Friday afternoon!
- Take a look at our stunning EYFS Book Nook!
- We had a Gruffalo trail in the woods and lots of story telling. On Friday we all had great fun tasting Gruffalo Crumble, made by the mouse.