01706 647743

  1. About Us
  2. SEND



Government Website

Information on DfE regarding help and support

At Sandbrook, we aim to educate all our children to their full potential within a broad and balanced curriculum. All children are a unique part of our school community and are treated equally and fairly. We take full account of the rights of everyone to be treated with respect, tolerance, honesty, justice and security.

We strive to create the best possible learning opportunities for all our children to achieve. We ensure consistency of approach in a positive, caring and encouraging atmosphere within which all our children can thrive, educationally and emotionally.

We support those children who struggle with learning & behaviour and challenge all our children to be the best they can. We are realistic and understand that some children may need extra support to reach these high aspirations.

 At Sandbrook, every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with SEND and as such each teacher is accountable for the progress and attainment of every child in their class including those who receive specialist support outside of the classroom and we aim to ensure all children, regardless of need or ability, reach their fullest potential.

SEND Objectives at Sandbrook:

  1. To work within the guidance provided in the SEND Code of Practice, 2014.
  2. To provide a non-teaching SENCO who will work within the SEND Policy.
  3. To identify and provide for pupils who have special educational needs.
  4. To involve parents at all stages of identifying, assessing, developing, monitoring and evaluating provision for their children. Helping them to understand and give appropriate help and support and promoting an effective partnership, obtaining the support of other agencies when necessary.
  5. To encourage the child’s involvement in the provision for their own learning, listening to children’s views and taking account of them.
  6. To provide support and advice for all staff working with pupils with special educational needs.