Each year at the start of the Autumn term we ask our pupils to complete a pupil questionnaire.
Some of the key headlines for 2022 are:
- 83% of children said they enjoy learning at our school
- 87% of our children said teachers listen to what they have to say in lessons.
- We are really pleased that 90% of our children reported that there is an adult in school they can talk to if something is worrying them.
- 91% of children shared positive views about bullying not happening at our school or that when it does happen teachers are good at resolving it.
- 86% of children feel safe at our school
- 85% of children said that as a school we encourage them to look after their emotional and mental health
- In our large multi-cultural school we are also pleased to report that 93% of children feel that we encourage them to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally.
- finally 94% of children would recommend our school to a friend moving to the area.
By clicking on the link you can view the whole questionnaire and responses.